Common Job Application Mistakes that Candidates Make
- Using unprofessional email addresses. To maintain a sense of seriousness when it comes to job hunting, please use an email address consisting of your name. Your name and numbers after is also acceptable. E.g.;
- Not including a subject line in your application or worse indicating the wrong subject line. Rule of thumb is the subject should include the position you are applying for unless instructed otherwise. Do not leave the subject line blank and do not simply type job application as the subject line, be very specific.
- Sending the application without including the body of the email. This sends a message of laziness and a ‘don’t care’ attitude by the candidate which may not be the case at all.
- Forgetting to review you application for grammatical and spelling mistakes before submitting it. Remember first impressions last.
- Not tailoring your application to the position advertised and its requirements in terms of the job description. Most candidates just forward their existing application letters and resumes without customizing for different positions applied for.
- Sending applications without attaching the CV or resume.
- Submitting your application after the stated application deadline.
- Submitting application with CVs that are not updated. This makes the candidate look like they are lying in their application which may not be the case.
- Lastly, use of Emojis in your application. Unfortunately, job application is still considered to be a very formal process and it would do you good to avoid use of emojis of any kind in your application.